Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union

№ 3/2023 of November, 30 2023

The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community, and their member states is a significant international treaty that marks a major step in the development of relations between Ukraine and the European Union. The agreement was signed in two stages: the political chapters on March 21, 2014, and the economic chapters on June 27, 2014. The agreement came fully into effect on September 1, 2017, after the ratification process was completed by all parties.

Key aspects:

Political dialogue and reforms. Agreement enhances political dialogue, promotes reforms, and supports Ukraine in its efforts to ensure stability, democracy, and prosperity.

Establishment of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). Zone involves trade liberalization, including the removal of trade barriers, investment protection, and the gradual integration of Ukraine into the EU's internal market.

Rule of law and sectoral cooperation. Agreement emphasizes supporting the development of the rule of law in Ukraine, strengthening institutions and combating corruption, as well as cooperation in areas such as energy, science and technology, education, and culture.

Tasks for Ukraine:

Aligning legislation with EU norms. Ukraine is committed to adapting its national legislation to the standards and norms of the European Union.

Reforming economic and social sectors. Continuing structural reforms in various sectors of the economy, including finance, education, healthcare, and social protection.

Ensuring democratic standards. Strengthening democratic institutions, ensuring freedom of speech, human rights, and fundamental freedoms.

The Association Agreement opens up new opportunities for Ukraine, facilitates its European integration, and improves its economic and political relations with the EU.
