European Green Deal

COM(2019) 640 of December, 11 2019

The European Green Deal aims to transform the EU into the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, including a set of ambitious goals for 2030.

Key objectives:

Emission reduction. EU plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

Legislation update. EU Climate Law, adopted in April 2021, formally establishes the objectives for emission reduction and climate neutrality.

Economic transformation. A comprehensive set of legislative initiatives aimed at transforming all sectors of the economy, including energy, industry, and transport.

Strategic initiatives:

Green energy. Initiatives to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix to 40% by 2030.

Energy efficiency. Introduction of mandatory targets to reduce energy consumption by 36% by 2030.

Transport modernization. Proposals to reduce emissions from new cars and vans, as well as expanding infrastructure for alternative fuels.

Building renovation. Increase the share of renewable energy in heating and cooling systems, and actively renovate public and private buildings to reduce their energy consumption.

Social Climate Fund. Creation of a fund to support citizens most vulnerable to changes associated with the green transformation.

Global actions:

The EU actively collaborates with international partners to enhance global efforts to combat climate change and promotes its strategy through international conferences, such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).


Educational initiatives. Explore opportunities for learning or participating in programs related to renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

Career opportunities. Consider careers in sectors that will grow as part of the green transformation, such as clean technologies, green building, and energy management.

Community efforts. Support or initiate local eco-initiatives that promote a sustainable lifestyle and reduce the carbon footprint.
