REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, and amending Regulation

2020/852 of June, 18 2020

The EU Regulation, known as the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Investments, was adopted by the European Parliament and Council on June 18, 2020. This legislative act establishes clear criteria for determining which economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable, helping to direct investments into sustainable projects and activities. It represents a significant step toward achieving the EU’s climate and energy goals by 2030.

Key provisions and objectives:

Creation of a classification. The regulation establishes a classification system that clearly defines which investments are considered sustainable in terms of their impact on the climate and environment.

Support for the green transition. Facilitates the transition to a clean, circular, energy-efficient, renewable, and sustainable economy.

Preventing greenwashing. Establishing clear criteria for sustainable investments helps avoid situations where products or companies present their activities as more "green" than they actually are.


Implementation and compliance. Organizations and investment funds need to implement and adhere to the established sustainability criteria, reviewing their investment strategies and policies.

Transparency and reporting. Ensuring transparency regarding sustainable investments and implementing a reporting system that meets the new requirements.

Education and engagement. Ensuring training and engaging stakeholders in understanding the new requirements and the benefits of sustainable investments.

This regulation is a crucial part of the EU’s efforts to stimulate sustainable development and comply with its climate commitments.
