Decree of the President of Ukraine On the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine for the Period up to 2030

№ 722/2019 of September, 30 2019,

Decree of the President of Ukraine establishes important directions for adapting international sustainable development goals to the national context of Ukraine. These goals were adopted to increase the level and quality of life of the population, uphold constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals, and promote sustainable development of the economy, civil society, and the state.

Key Aspects of the Decree:

1. Support for global goals. The decree confirms Ukraine's commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, which have been adapted considering national peculiarities.

2. Main areas of activity:

  - Eradicating poverty and hunger.

  - Improving access to quality education and healthcare.

  - Ensuring gender equality and clean water.

  - Guaranteeing access to affordable and sustainable energy.

  - Promoting sustainable economic growth and decent work.

  - Protecting ecosystems and combating climate change.

Tasks defined by the Decree:

Analysis and improvement of policies. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is tasked with analyzing existing program documents, adapting them to the Sustainable Development Goals, and making necessary corrections.

Monitoring and reporting. Implementation of an effective monitoring system to track progress in achieving the goals and annual publication of results.

This Decree aims to integrate sustainable development into all aspects of national governance, ensuring a balance between economic, social, and environmental aspects to ensure the country's long-term prosperity and development.

