Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine On Approval of the Strategy for Environmental Security and Climate Change Adaptation for the Period up to 2030

№ 1363-r of October, 20 2021

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine defines the main directions of action for Ukraine to enhance environmental security and adaptation to climate change. The strategy aims to align programmatic documents and regional development strategies with new environmental requirements and ensure systematic updating of data on the implementation of measures outlined in the strategy.

The strategy encompasses several key aspects:

1. Approval of the strategy and operational plans. The government has approved the main document setting out the general goals of environmental security, as well as the operational plan for 2022-2024 to achieve these goals.

2. Alignment of program documents. Ministries and regional authorities are required to align their development programs with these strategic goals.

3. Accountability. Quarterly and annual reporting on the status of the implementation of the strategy and operational plans is required to enable the government to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

4. Budgetary funding. The strategy provides recommendations for the formation of state and local budgets to ensure adequate funding for planned activities.


Implementation and monitoring. Ensuring the implementation of the strategy in all areas of government and monitoring its implementation.

Plan updates. Preparation of new operational plans for subsequent periods to continue work on adaptation and improvement of environmental security.

Funding of activities. Ensuring adequate budgetary funding for the implementation of plans and measures outlined in the strategy.

This decree plays a key role in shaping Ukraine's environmental policy, providing clear directions for adapting to climate change and enhancing the country's environmental security by 2030.

