Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Approval of the Procedure for the Creation and Administration of the Waste Management Information System

№ 1279 of December , 5 2023

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution regulates the creation of a unified integrated system that ensures the collection, processing, storage, and analysis of information in the field of waste management. This system is part of the broader "EcoSystem" platform and serves to optimize waste accounting, promote e-governance, and enhance the efficiency of administrative processes.

The main goals of the information system include:

Automation of administrative processes. The system facilitates electronic document exchange and automation of processes related to the issuance of permits, licenses, and other administrative services in the field of waste management.

Accounting and reporting. Ensuring effective accounting of economic entities engaged in waste management, as well as maintaining registers and providing reporting.

Transboundary waste transportation. Monitoring and controlling the movement of waste across Ukraine's borders.

Waste management optimization. The system promotes better resource planning and utilization, reducing the possibility of unauthorized dumping.

Key components of the system include:

Electronic accounting. Maintaining electronic registers of all waste-related operations.

Administration and control. The Ministry of Environment acts as the main system administrator.

Reporting subsystem. Providing capabilities for data collection, analysis, and reporting on the state of waste management at the national level.

Ensuring interoperability. Integration with other national and international systems to ensure comprehensive monitoring and waste management.

Implementation and utilization:

Integration with the Unified Environmental Platform "EcoSystem". This provides a single point of access for economic entities to all necessary tools and services.

Information accessibility. Information is available in real-time to all stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, and the public.

This system not only improves waste management in Ukraine but also promotes transparency, accountability, and efficient resource utilization, which is an important step towards sustainable development.

