The Law of Ukraine On Environmental Impact Assessment

№ 2059-VIII of May, 23 2017

The Ukrainian Law "On Environmental Impact Assessment" establishes a legal foundation for ensuring environmental safety and the health of citizens by assessing the impact of planned economic and other activities on the environment before their implementation. Environmental impact assessment helps identify the potential negative impacts of projects and find ways to minimize or eliminate these impacts.

Key provisions:

Definition of impact. The law defines "environmental impact" as any consequences of activities for the environment, including impacts on people, biodiversity, climate, air, water, etc.

Assessment process involves preparing impact reports, public discussions, analyzing information, and issuing reasoned conclusions by authorized bodies.

Public participation. The law ensures the right of the public to participate in the impact assessment, to express their remarks and suggestions.


Ensuring environmental safety. Through assessment processes, the law aims to prevent environmental harm and protect the environment.

Accountability of entities. Economic entities are responsible for complying with assessment procedures and for implementing recommendations resulting from the assessment conclusions.

Monitoring and control. Authorized bodies oversee compliance with the law, monitor the implementation of projects that may affect the environment.

This law is a key element of Ukrainian environmental policy aimed at ensuring sustainable development and incorporating environmental aspects into various sectors of the economy.

