The Law of Ukraine on Waste Management

№ 2207-IX of June, 20 2022

The Law of Ukraine 'On Waste Management' establishes detailed norms and procedures for effective waste management in the territory of Ukraine. It is oriented towards waste prevention, their reuse, recycling, and other forms of recovery, as well as their safe and efficient disposal.

Key Definitions:

Biowaste. Waste of plant or animal origin suitable for composting or anaerobic digestion.

Bulky Waste. Waste with dimensions that hinder their collection and processing by standard methods.

Recycling. The process of converting waste into new materials or products.

Recovery. Any operation aimed at using waste for energy production or recovering secondary raw materials.

Waste Management Hierarchy:

The law emphasizes the importance of adhering to the waste management hierarchy, which includes:

1. Waste Prevention. Initiatives aimed at reducing the amount of waste at the product design stage and during its use.

2. Preparation for Reuse. Cleaning, checking, or repairing products for reuse without significant alteration of their initial structure.

3. Recycling and Other Forms of Recovery. Transforming waste into secondary materials or using them as a source of energy.

4. Safe and Efficient Disposal. The application of disposal methods such as landfills or incineration as a last resort.

Extended Producer Responsibility:

The law introduces the concept of extended producer responsibility, which obliges product manufacturers to take responsibility for the final stage of the life cycle of their products, including the collection, processing, and disposal of waste.

Tasks and Implementation:

- State Monitoring. The authorities should monitor and control compliance with the law, including checking reports from economic entities.

- Information and Educational Programs. Ensuring accessibility of information on waste management methods and conducting educational campaigns to engage the public.

The Law 'On Waste Management' is an important step for Ukraine towards sustainable development, creating the foundation for responsible and efficient waste management at all levels of society.

