Introduction of Re:inventex at the business meeting at Diya.Business in Bucha

Welcome to the world of the circular economy, where every step matters for sustainable development and environmental conservation. Our project Re:inventex plays a key role in this mission, bringing communities and businesses together to collaborate on important initiatives.

We had a wonderful opportunity to share our ideas and plans with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses at a meeting held at the Entrepreneurship Support Center, Diya.Business in Bucha. We discussed opportunities for cooperation with state grant programs such as "Vlasna Sprava (Own Business)" and "Novii Riven (New Level)" aimed at supporting the region's economy and emphasizing the importance of creating circular economic processes that not only produce new goods but also preserve resources, extending the life cycle of existing products. This helps reduce the burden on nature while simultaneously offering new business opportunities.

This meeting also gathered important guests, including representatives of government institutions, with whom we discussed practical aspects of implementing innovative technologies in the textile and fashion industry. In particular, we showcased our achievements in production, highlighting how theory translates into practical results.

We are always ready to be your guide in understanding and implementing the circular economy. We invite you to join our mission and make your contribution to improving the world. Together, we can make big changes through small but significant steps.

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