Techtextil 2024 trade fair in Frankfurt

At the recent Techtextil 2024 international exhibition in Frankfurt, our team had an extraordinary opportunity to present the Re:inventex project at the 'Ukrainian Textile & Clothing Industry for EU' meeting. This event holds significance for the Ukrainian textile and fashion industry, as well as for our initiative aimed at ecologically processing textile waste.

We focused on presenting perspectives on establishing efficient infrastructure for textile waste processing in Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of optimizing collection and sorting processes. Our goal is to significantly reduce the volume of textile waste and ensure sustainable development of manufacturing processes.

The Director-General of EURATEX, the European Apparel and Textile Association, paid special attention to our initiative. This demonstrates high interest and support from the European community regarding the development of our industry.

During the exhibition, our team held a series of meetings with leading equipment manufacturers for mechanical textile waste processing. We familiarized ourselves with the latest technologies and trends currently used in Europe, which will undoubtedly enrich our future projects and initiatives.

We sincerely appreciate the warm reception and support we received at Techtextil 2024. With inspiration and new ideas, we continue to work towards making our industry increasingly informed, conscious, and sustainable.

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